Addressing  the side effects of ovarian cancer treatment

Addressing the side effects of ovarian cancer treatment

Ovarian cancer often goes undetected until later as early stages rarely show any symptoms. Treatment varies based on the stage of cancer. Surgery and chemotherapy are suggested. During and after treatment, there are a lot of lifestyle changes that should be made to cope with the side effects of the medication and therapies.

Cancer treatment comes with side effects such as nausea, constipation, and indigestion. There is a general lack of appetite and a bloated feeling in the stomach. Patients are already being treated with strong medicines and steroids. Hence, it is worthwhile to take the help of nonchemical and home-based and natural remedies ease the side effects.

  • Eating foods rich in fiber to avoid constipation. Natural laxatives like prune juice, aloe vera, chia and flax seeds, flaxseed oil, cooked leafy greens, kombucha, sauerkraut, kimchi and coconut water help relieve constipation, besides being high in vitamins and minerals.
  • Drinking plenty of water, juice, and soups throughout the day keeps the body hydrated and healthy.
  • Trying natural pain relievers to ease the pelvic pain which occurs as a result of ovarian cancer. Ginger, mint tea, turmeric are effective in the treatment of pain.

Acupuncture and acupressure
Acupuncture can be a fantastic complementary therapy to alleviate pain caused by the treatment of ovarian cancer. This form of traditional medicine is about inserting very fine needles into your skin. The needles stimulate the body’s natural pain-killing chemicals. Although it is an alternative treatment, it can be called natural as no chemicals are used for treatment. Besides relieving pain, acupuncture helps reduce nausea, anxiety, and dry mouth.

Acupressure, or pressure point therapy, is a traditional natural healing method and effective for treating nausea and vomiting.

Anxiety and fatigue are greatly reduced with a massage. Aromatherapy massage besides alleviating pain can help ease other stress-related side effects and pains caused by medical treatment of ovarian cancer.

Yoga has helped many cancer survivors combat stress and pain. Regular yoga sessions have been proven to help improve physical and emotional health. Yoga is a gentle form of exercise that focuses on improving strength and flexibility. It fosters calmness of the mind through mindful movement and breathing. Breathing exercises and yoga under the guidance of qualified teachers can help reduce stress and improve the general well being.

Diet and rest
Sleep disturbances are very common during treatment. Studies have found that more than half of cancer patients have difficulty sleeping through the night. Insomnia plays havoc with patients health and should be addressed. If left untreated it can increase anxiety. Chamomile tea is a great pain reliever and very soothing on the stomach. It reduces anxiety. The tea acts as a muscle relaxant and helps to get good sleep. Any muscle relaxant generally aids sleep. Some of the other muscle relaxants are cherry juice, blueberries, pepper, and magnesium.

Alternative and natural remedies cannot replace treatment. They can supplement treatment and help improve the quality of life. It is also important that you go through the labels and product information when you buy these natural products. This will help you buy good quality products that are genuine and have fewer chemicals in them.

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