Common Warning Signs of Hepatitis C

Common Warning Signs of Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is an inflammatory viral infection that affects the liver. Most people who suffer from hepatitis C do not experience any symptoms at the early stages. Hepatitis C is caused by the hepatitis C virus (or HCV) and contracted via tainted blood, usually through sharing infected needles or unsterile tattoo, piercing, dental, or surgical equipment.

Hep C is considered a severe viral infection. If left untreated, it may lead to long-term health issues such as liver failure, liver damage, liver cancer, and cirrhosis of the liver. Common warning signs to look out for include:

1. Fatigue
If you suffer from hepatitis C, you might experience unexplained fatigue. Patients may feel extremely tired and have insufficient energy that may linger even after plenty of sleep. According to research, about 50% to 70% of patients suffering from hepatitis C experience fatigue. Studies show that fatigue is triggered when the body is trying to fight off infection

2. Sore muscles
The hepatitis C infection causes sore muscles. It activates an immune system response to fight against the hepatitis C virus. The activation of the immune system is what leads to sore muscles. However, for people with hepatitis C, the virus replicates, and the immune system is turned on constantly, leading to chronic muscle aches and pain

3. Joint pain
With hepatitis C, patients may experience inflammatory joint diseases. These can be as a result of wear and tear from osteoarthritis leading to joint pains. Joint pain results when the body’s immune system attacks cells and tissues that are healthy. In the early stages of hepatitis C, the patient may experience pain and stiffness. For a doctor to diagnose joint pain due to hepatitis C, a blood test is carried out

4. Stomach pain and bloating
Normally, one needs a healthy liver for the body to function fully. However, hepatitis C prevents the liver from producing bile, and when this is hindered, the body is unable to digest foods properly, particularly fatty foods. The gallbladder then becomes inflamed and causes inflammation on the upper right side of the stomach. An infected liver may be unable to produce enough albumin. Albumin plays a significant role in regulating the fluids present in the cells. When the stomach has a lot of fluid, more inflammation occurs, which may feel like a pain in the stomach.

5. Itchy skin and jaundice
Patients may experience itchy skin in the early symptoms of hepatitis C. This may be a result of dry skin or side effects caused by hepatitis C treatments. Itchy skin may not be that severe compared to pruritus, which occurs at a later stage of liver disease. Pruritus in hepatitis C patients results when an accumulation of toxins collect in the liver, which cannot be eliminated. This may cause severe itching (pruritus) and jaundice once they reach the bloodstream

6. Dark urine
Once the liver is damaged due to hepatitis C, the body has to use other organs to meet its requirement. This may result in the stressing of some organs, such as the kidneys. Dark urine may occur when urine passes through the kidneys, and function is impared due to HCV, causing incorrect fluid balance, nutrients, and elimination.

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