Foods that Help with Amyloidosis

Foods that Help with Amyloidosis

Amyloidosis is one of the world’s rarest diseases in which a substance called amyloid builds up in the organs. Amyloid is an abnormal protein that is made in the bone marrow and transported to other organs and tissues. Because it affects the shape and ability of the organs to function, it can become a life-threatening autoimmune disease. This illness is not associated with any other disease, but it can function in conjunction with multiple myeloma (blood plasma cells). 

The symptoms can vary depending on which organs are affected. Generally, symptoms can include swelling, weakness, fatigue, and shortness of breath. A person may suffer swelling of the tongue, severe dark circles around the eyes, numbness of ankles and/or legs, and diarrhea.

Treatment recommendations and options will depend on several factors, which can include the type of amyloidosis, the type of underlying disease, side effects, and a patient’s overall health and preferences. Treatments can include chemotherapy, targeted therapy, surgery, stem cell or bone marrow transplantation, and medication, as well as the following dietary changes: 

1. Sodium reduced diet

Many are returning to natural solutions to help with serious maladies. Amyloidosis can be helped, like many other illnesses, by a change in diet. Reducing excess salt from your diet can help because salt holds excess water in the organs. 

2. Blending foods

Many amyloidosis patients experience swelling of the tongue,.which might make eating a problem, so making smoothies or juicing cab ease that symptom. 

3. Avoid caffeinated

People with gastrointestinal problems should steer clear of coffee and alcohol. Even though water is a problem for those with the amyloid protein, too little water is just as bad, so try to drink at least 50 ounces.

4. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is funnily enough considered a superfood. It holds properties filled with health-giving antioxidants that improve the movement of bodily fluids. Eaten with restraint, this food may deter amyloid accumulation. Dark chocolate reduces inflammation, helps dementia, Alzheimer’s, and helps the disposition.

5. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is an antioxidant, reduces blood sugar, helps the heart, and acts as an anti-inflammatory.

6. Apples

Apples are one of man’s most nutritious foods. Filled with fiber and other disease preventative benefits, apples can help reduce cancer risk.

7. Blackberries

Blackberries are packed with an abundance of vitamins. They help reduce cholesterol, blood sugar, inflammation, help skin, oral health, and they are delicious.

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