Foods That May Lead to Breast Cancer

Foods That May Lead to Breast Cancer

A healthy and balanced diet is vital to maintaining body weight and stay fit. It is also the key to stay cancer-free. Obesity or overweight is, in fact, one of the main causes of breast cancer as research suggests. These studies have also found that people in certain parts of the world, who consume lean and fresh food products, had lower chances of getting breast cancer. 

The reasoning may be that In these regions, the food is lower in trans fat, polyunsaturated and saturated fat, soy, and dairy. People from these areas of the world also tend to lead more active lifestyles, which means low obesity rates, on average, in the general population. This information discusses breast cancer and diet, as well as how different foods affect breast cancer development, and what you should be looking for when choosing the best diet for staying healthy:

1. Soy

Soybeans and soy products have multiple health benefits but preventing cancer is not one of them. Soy contains Isoflavones that act like estrogen to protect against cancers that depend on hormonal imbalance. However, there are no evidences that suggest it can help lower the chances of getting breast cancer. Additionally, processed soy products may cause more harm than benefits to your body. So, if you want to consume soy items, stick to natural versions like soybeans or traditional soy foods.

2. Fat foods

The worst thing you can do to your body while increasing the chance of getting breast cancer is eating fatty and fried foods. Although there are no direct evidence linking breast cancer risk and dietary fat intake, physicians suggest that patients to stay away from these foods mainly because they contain carcinogens and other cancer causing elements. Additionally, people who consume a high fat diet are prone to developing extra fat cells and excess estrogen that lead to obesity as well as inactivity, which generally makes health worse.

3. Vitamin supplements

Vitamin supplements are alternatives to ensuring adequate nutritional needs. However, there is no link between taking vitamin supplements and reducing the risk of breast cancer like some people believe. In fact, taking vitamin supplements without approval from your doctor may cause an adverse affect on your health. It is, therefore, in your best interest to get the required vitamins and minerals through real food products. Fresh fruits and vegetables are the best way to protect yourself from breast cancer.

4. Dairy

Drinking milk from cows that are treated with hormones can increase your chances of getting breast cancer. There are early studies that show a clear link between cancer of many types including breast cancer and milk from cows treated with rBST. Nevertheless, processed milk is not only harmful to the body due to hormones present but causes other side effects such as obesity, birth defects, infertility and other health issues.

5. Sugar

Sugar is another food that you may want to avoid or moderate if your want to protect yourself from breast cancer. However, it’s a myth that sugar makes cancer cells grow at a faster rate. In fact, the negative impact of sugar on blood glucose levels. This means, when the body is unable to process sugar, it gets accumulated increasing the blood sugar levels and thereby causing obesity and other illnesses (i.e., diabetes) that will increase the chance of getting breast cancer. In essence, the sugar itself doesn’t cause cancer,. but the after-effects may have negative impacts.

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