Foods to Avoid for Nasal Polyps

Foods to Avoid for Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps are non-cancerous delicate tissue growths inside of the nasal cavities and sinuses. They grow on soft tissue in those areas. They are said to look like teardrops or grapes because of their soft texture, and the way they hang down. Amidst the post nasal drip nasal polyps symptoms like allergies, asthma, drug sensitivity, and immune system issues and chronic rhinosinusitis can develop. Let’s look at five foods that can make those polyps worse. 

Avoid excess use of these foods to help reduce nasal polyps:

1. Tomatoes

The histamines in tomatoes can cause itching and inflammation. Whole tomato products and items like pizza must be enjoyed in moderation. In extreme instances, they must be totally removed from diets. To make sure you are getting enough of the antioxidant lycopene found in tomatoes, consider asparagus, grapefruit, and red cabbage, instead.

2. Red meat

The higher than normal protein levels found in red meat cause excess mucus to be produced. Excess mucus can cause polyps and the associated sneezing and itching can make those polyps worse. Opt instead for lower-level protein options found in other meats, nuts, veggies, fruits, and healthy fats.

3. Spicy food

Spicy foods are great for breaking up congestion. But until polyps are healed, spicy foods must be removed from the diet. Runny noses that indicate sinus congestion breaking apart will irritate and wreak havoc on nasal polyps. If you have a big heart for Mexican food enjoy milder Mexican foods like avocado and citrus.

4. Wine

While wine can have several benefits for the body and mind, nasal polyps can become worse from consuming wine. All alcoholic drinks can cause inflammation, but wine also has high levels of histamines. Histamines, along with glutens found in wine, can cause nasal tissues to swell. The swelling of nasal tissues is a cause of polyps, and polyps cannot heal if inflamed. Grapes are a great alternative to receive similar health benefits of wine.

5. Milk

Milk and other dairy products are known to increase mucus. And milk doesn’t just produce mucus, it actually speeds up mucus production. Removing milk from the diet and foods containing milk will help improve the condition of your nasal polyps. Consider items like almonds, coconut, and soy to receive rich nutrients you normally get from milk.

There are other foods out there that should be avoided, but the five aforementioned foods are widely known to not help those battling nasal polyps. Be sure to check with your medical provider and dietician or nutritionist to make sure you are adhering to the best diet for your body and mind, and for any medical issues that you might have.

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