Successful Hair Loss Treatments

Successful Hair Loss Treatments

According to a study conducted by the American Hair Loss Association, approximately 70% to 75% men are likely to experience hair loss after the age of 35 and around 85% men observe hair loss or hair thinning by the age of 50.

However, due to today’s hectic and stressful work life, hair loss in women is also becoming a common phenomenon. Today, women are experiencing hair loss at a very young age, as young as 30- to 35-years old and even younger.

What causes hair loss?

Typically, male pattern baldness, or alopecia, is heredity or age-related. The following reasons are linked to hair loss in both men and women:

  • Hormonal changes
  • Medications or medical treatments like chemotherapy
  • Age
  • Poor nutrition
  • Stress
  • Other medical or environmental conditions (i.e.,  increasing pollution)

Can you reverse balding?

We see many advertisements showing how hair loss can be prevented by using particular products. However, it’s not wise to trust these products blindly. However, medications, like minoxidil and finasteride, have been clinically proven to be effective in treating male pattern baldness. These drugs are approved by FDA to reverse baldness. However, hair loss can continue after stopping any of these medications. One effective and permanent solution to concur baldness is hair transplant, but it is a very expensive and often painful procedure.

How to apply hair loss medications?

  • Minoxidil comes in a spray bottle container and is applied directly to the scalp.
  • Finasteride is taken orally in pill form, on daily basis.
  • Corticosteroids injections are also available to treat bald spots or patchy hair loss. These injections are injected directly into the scalp for up to 4 to 6 weeks.
  • Corticosteroids also come in cream or ointment form, which are applied directly to balding spots.

Are there any natural remedies to treat hair loss?

Yes, some effective hair loss treatments can be made with some easily available ingredients found in your home. The following are some popular DIY natural home remedies to treat hair loss:

  • Onion, which contains sulfur,  is known to promote hair growth.
  • Fenugreek, a herb that’s often used in age-old natural remedies to treat hair loss, contains nicotinic acid and protein to enhance hair growth.  
  • Indian Gooseberry (or Amla), is another magical home remedy to stimulate hair growth. It contains Vitamin C, which is known to increase hair growth, and can be consumed as a juice or in powder form.

What is a hair transplant?

A hair transplant is basically a surgical technique to move existing hair follicles from the “donor site” to the “recipient site”, or to the bald area of the scalp.

For this hair restoration process to be effective, a surgeon will first remove the plugs of skin containing hair follicles from a donor site and then implant those to the bald sections on the scalp. Hair transplants can be very effective in promoting hair growth. However, more than one treatment may be needed for the hair transplant to take root, and the results usually depend on the number of hair follicles that remain healthy after the treatment. Hair transplants can include potential side effects, including scarring and infection.

What is laser therapy for hair loss treatment?

Laser therapy is an FDA-approved treatment for male pattern baldness, as well as hair loss in women. It works when bald spots on the scalp are exposed to the low laser light. This light gets absorbed into the scalp to trigger hair regrowth.

According to a study, this laser treatments can’t rejuvenate dead hair follicles, but it may stimulate hair growth on existing follicles, making your hair thicker and fuller again. There are no side effects to laser therapy according to research.

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