Treating Chronic Allergies and Asthma

Treating Chronic Allergies and Asthma

Allergies affect every aspect of life, especially if you suffer from allergic asthma. Yet, many are unaware how closely allergies and asthma are linked, especially for chronic allergy or seasonal allergy sufferers. For instance, many of the same triggers that make your asthma symptoms worse, stem from food or environmental allergies (i.e., pollen, pet dander, perfumes, chemicals, and dust mites).


Chronic and seasonal allergies are caused by the chemical reactions within the body, which trigger a histamine response and result in symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, skin reactions, hives, itchy red eyes, and restricted airways that may lead to wheezing, shortness of breath, and an asthma attack. In most of the cases, treatments for allergy and asthma work simultaneously, and include:


  1. Leukotriene modifier

This montelukast are well known for being effective for easing symptoms caused by allergies and asthma. Usually referred to as leukotriene modifiers, they are essentially pills that help control the release of chemicals by the immune systems as a reaction to any asthma and allergy triggers. However, there have been rare cases that have reported certain psychological reactions, and need to be checked in with a physician in case any such effects arise.


  1. Immunotherapy

Also known as allergy shots, this type of chronic allergy or seasonal allergy and asthma treatment medication is aimed to keep the immune system’s response in control against the reaction to the triggers. In this type of a treatment, the individual is given periodic injection shots of the allergens that are known to cause the onset of the symptoms so that the immune system can build up a tolerance level over time and help reduce the onset of such allergic reactions. The asthma reactions to subside over time, and the usual course of treatment takes about three to five years to rein in the desired response.


  1. Anti-immunoglobulin E (IgE) therapy

This form of treatment for chronic allergy and seasonal allergy treatment helps to intercept the release of antibodies, also known as IgEs, that are triggered by the immune system’s response to a culprit allergen that it may mistakenly deem as harmful. Usually, these IgE antibodies would sense the immune system’s signal for the release of histamine along with other chemicals into the bloodstream. By taking the prescribed omalizumab (Xolair) medication, the allergic reactions that usually trigger the asthma symptoms are counteracted.


  1. Avoiding triggers

In the case of more severe symptoms that result from chronic allergies or seasonal allergies combined with asthma, a more rigorous medical intervention could be needed. However, recognizing and avoiding the substances that trigger your symptoms is the most important step you can take.

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