Treatment Options for Sleep Apnea and Snoring

Treatment Options for Sleep Apnea and Snoring

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that causes the breathing to stop and start repeatedly. If you are someone who snores pretty loud and feels tired despite having a full night’s sleep, there are chances that it is sleep apnea. There are primarily three main types of sleep apnea:

  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Central sleep apnea
  • Complex sleep apnea syndrome


You need to consult with a doctor to ensure that you have sleep apnea so that the right treatments can be started on time and there are no complications that can cause heart or any other form of serious problems.


Treatment for sleep apnea is dependent on a number of factors from how mild or severe it is and the potential symptoms you suffer from. For those individuals who suffer from a mild case of sleep apnea, the primary suggestions given by doctors include lifestyle changes that include weight loss or quitting nicotine. If you are prone to nasal allergies, then there are specific allergy treatments prescribed to check the sleep apnea. In the event that the conditions progress to a severe state or even worsens at the slightest bit, then there are other forms of treatment prescribed. While you have readymade devices that can make your blocked airways relieved, there are surgeries that are suggested when the progression of sleep apnea is quite quick.


Common treatment therapies for sleep apnea include the following:



  1. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP):

This face-worn machine helps clear blockages by using air pressure delivered to the nasal passage using a mask is an effective way of dealing with sleep apnea for those whose condition is on the higher side of mild to severe. The use of CPAP delivers the right amount of air needed to keep the air passageways open to prevent both snoring and apnea, and this is slightly higher than the regular air pressure in your immediate environment. Despite being one of the most effective mediums to deal with the condition, it can be uncomfortable and cumbersome. While some people just give up using the machine, one can easily learn to get used to it with continued use and try to find solutions to keep it comfortable because quitting can actually worsen your condition.


  1. Other airway pressure devices

In the case the CPAP machine is not the solution to your sleep apnea and snoring, then there are alternative airway pressure devices that you can try to use to provide bilevel positive airway pressure (BPAP), wherein the machine sends in more pressure when you inhale rather than exhale.




  1. Oral devices


There are also other oral appliances that are designed to keep your throat open for better airway passages. However, the use of any device is based purely on doctor’s recommendation and cannot be self-prescribed. A number of mandible devices are available from your dentist. You might need to try different devices before finding one that works for you.

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