Yoga Poses that Naturally Relieve Pain

Yoga Poses that Naturally Relieve Pain

A lot of chronic pain conditions stem from a sedentary lifestyle. We spend too much time sitting at desks in front of computers, or we eat too much junk combined with Netflix and chill.  What’s worse is that many of us do not exercise. With sedentary life, chronic joint, shoulders, and back pain can quickly develop.


Thankfully, yoga can help. This gentle practice is an ancient form of wellness that started in India. However, people still do yoga today as a form of exercise and rehabilitation, as well as  meditative movement that calms the body and soul. When we practice yoga, we move with the breath, oxygenating the spaces inside the body that are hardly used. In other words, yoga increases oxygenated blood flow and provides a sense of rest and rejuvenation.


Here are some best yoga poses for pain free living:


  1. Conscious breathing

We are so tuned to thinking about a million things at any given time. When you begin your yoga practice, the first thing you should do is to bring your attention to your breath.  Hence, sit in a comfortable seated position on your yoga mat with your back straight. Close your eyes and place one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen. Now monitor your breath as you inhale and exhale. By doing this for a good 6-8 times, you ensure peace of mind and focus, which is extremely stress relieving.


  1. Tree pose

Also known as tadasana, this posture gently extends the spine, shoulders and back. As you inhale, raise your arms from the front and simultaneously raise your heel. Ensure to keep your eyes open for balance. You will resemble a tall tree. You can also feel the nice extension of your spine and also how your neck aligns to your spine while doing this. As you exhale, bring both the arms and the heels down. You can try several variations in this – arms can be brought from the sides, or you can twist the body or you can take the arms to a ‘namaste’ position from the back.


  1. Warrior pose

This is the best shoulder rehabilitation posture! True to its name, a warrior is a personification of strength and obviously holds a sword in their hand. In this posture, you begin by standing straight with both the feet placed together. Now take a wide stride with the left leg. Gently press and turn your right leg to a 45-degree angle. If you turn this too much, it would be painful and it would also be difficult to balance. Now as you inhale, bend your knees while simultaneously raising the arms with a folded ‘namaste’ position. Take the arms all the way above your head. You will feel a nice stretch on your shoulder blades. When you exhale bring the arms down and straighten your knees. You should repeat this on the other side. Another way of doing it is to raise the arms from the side.


  1. Cat to cow pose


Sit on your knees and as you inhale go the cat stretch position. It is basically balancing on palms and knees and you would push your butt out while simultaneously lifting your head slightly above. Your abdomen would be pushed down creating a curve on the body that allows a great stretch. As you exhale lift your abdomen up. Do this few times to feel the relaxation it offers.




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